
Running man episode 58 – “Stress”! For the reference…watch it!

So I have stressed myself out revising for jet, trying to learn how to spell (since jet is English teaching and there will be a short English test before the interview…). I’ve decided to stop stressing, or I’ll be depressed and beat up looking in the interview and they want happy cheerful individuals. So no more “Stress”! 

Still gna revise spelling but going to concentrate on me and not cram lot’s of info about Japan into my head. There interviewing me after all not wikipedia. Just gta relax, suit up and feel sexy. I hope….ok I might stress a bit but that is normal..right?…

As for Kanji took a bit of a back-seat but stumbled through up to 600. 100 left and I can get back on learning it. Japanese tomorrow and a nice morning jog to start the day off. Woohoo.